Our Services
Let us help you
Tailored to your needs
Colocating with us effectively protects you against interruptions and fortifies your disaster recovery plans to ensure business continuity and scalable network governance with full control over your data.
Save money and time while strengthening your security.
Simple, Flexible and Secure Service
Reap the rewards of “anytime, anywhere” availability with full confidence. Without deploying servers or application services, you get hassle-free accessible computing and storage 24/7.
Our fast, scalable servers let you expand your operating and storage requirements in step with your business growth.
Web Hosting
Simple, Flexible and Secure Service
Whether you have 1 or 100 websites to host, our user friendly tools will allow you to manage every aspect of your hosting service right from your browser without having to use any other tools such as PHPmyadmin or FTP.
Backup & S3 Compatible Storage
Managed backup service where ever you are
Are you concerned about your business data? A key workstation or your office or accounting server is not backed-up? We will identify your data vulnerability and suggests the best options for your business. We will implement the backup solution and monitor its operation.
Reliable video IP transmission
We have more than nine antennae covering the western hemisphere our simulsat dish is capable of receiving simultaneous signals from more than 36 satellites.
Dedicated Server
The full flexibility and performance of bare metal
When you need to highest performance and total control of the data resources without the inconvenience of new capital purchases and management, our dedicated server service may be the right solution for you.
Disaster Recovery
Secure, reliable and responsive
We have customer friend area with desks, Internet connectivity, boardroom, lunch-room and washroom facilities. In the event of any situation, you can quickly and easily relocate your key staff to ensure the continuation of your critical business processes.
Why Choose Halton Data Center?
We strive for customer satisfaction.
We have a passion for technology, hosting, finding solutions to problems, and helping organizations. You will be able to reach us directly and know us by our first name. Talk to us about your challenge, we will guide you to a solution even if you don’t become a customer this first time around.
Your Service is our Business
We provide organizations and service providers scalable data service solutions that protect mission-critical data. We deliver an outstanding level of service and uptime reliability.
Backup & S3 Storage
Cloud Storage and Backup Services
We will identify your data vulnerability and suggests the best options for your business. We will implement the backup solution and monitor its operation.