File Sharing and Backup for your Business
Managed backup service where ever you are
Managed Backup
Are you concerned about your business data? A key workstation or your office or accounting server is not backed-up? We will identify your data vulnerability and suggests the best options for your business. We will implement the backup solution and monitor its operation.

Hardware Failure
Hardware failures are common. Backup your important data before it is too late. With our solution, you can rest assured your data is safe even if your hardware fails.

Natural Disasters
Backup your files to a remote physical location. Protect your data from being destroyed by natural disasters such as floods, fire and much more.

Theft and Ransomware
Prepare for the worst by preventing ransomware before it happens. With our service not only you are safe from physical theft but also from electronic theft that occurs when ransomware encrypts your files.
Our Cloud File Features

Synced Group Folders
Keep files used by a group synched across all users and different PC. Perfect for mobile users, files updated by one user is automatically pushed to all user’s local drives.

Synchronized Machines
Synchronize files and/or folders across multiple machines. Change files on one machines and watch our service propagate the changes to all of them.

File Distribution
Publish files from a central location to several computers either on the same LAN or across the continent. Transfers are efficient, only file deltas are sent across the network.

Shared Projects
Shared Projects Share files belonging to one or more projects with multiple users. When a user modifies a file, that change is automatically synchronized with others.
We support many client end points

OS X Clients

Windows Client
Including MS Exchange Servers, SQL databases and bare-metal

Linux Client
Linux/Unix and BSD